“Clarity about who you are and what role you play in society as a creative organization or personality is one of the most important things to be aware of. Because it allows us to act with a strong understanding of why, how and with whom, we can make the biggest difference - right now and in the future.”
Karen Toftegaard
Next time
SHINE YOUR WORK – EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FRINGE SPECIAL – i august 2023 - including personal meetings + audiofiles and worksheets on easy-to-use app
NOVEMBER 2023: 01.11.2023 – 20.11.2023 – 21 days online workshop – SHINE YOUR WORK
Get inspiration and simple tools to make a good PR-strategy and to manage the shadowsides of becoming visible to other people ('s opinions and judgement). This helps you focus on what matters the most for you - your work and the difference it makes. This workshop-session will be in English however you can easily make the 15-minutes a day tasks in your morther tongue.
Facilitated Conversation about Creative Processes - teams + 1:1
FACILITATED CONVERSATION ABOUT CREATIVE PROCESSES brings your collaboration in focus. You achieve more clarity about the strengths in your collaboration and how you can grow stronger - together. Please do not hesitate to contact us to get to know more.
Ideadevelopment process facilitated in teams or 1:1
IDEA DEVELOPMENT is the fundation for you reaching your goals in a good way. Sometimes you expeirence in the middle of a project that the idea you started up with isn't big enough or realistic enough to make a difference. We have the tools to create the right process that will qualify and make sure that your ideas go level up.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Author, director, entrepreneur and international promoter Karen Toftegaard has a strong career as a cultural serial entrepreneur of, among others, the award-winning Street Gallery AirPlay (with a communication collective of 5 women) and the creative production and promotion company WILDTOPIA IVS (founded in collaboration with the manufacturer). This has been done in conjunction with 10 years of cultural institution experience in both municipal and state-funded frameworks(KraftWerket, Camp X and Republique).
Karen Toftegaard er sparringspartner for kreative med fokus på PR samt iværksættelse og udvikling af kunst- og kulturprojekter/indsatser (især festivaler og scenekunst). Som direktør for Karen Toftegaard ApS, Karen Toftegaard Holding ApS og WILDTOPIA har hun stået på mål for større, både nationale og internationale, kulturprojekter, hvor man skal navigere med ens egne og alle andres forventninger.
In addition to being an experienced facilitator, Karen is also co-author of the book BRUG DIN KREATIVITET. Hun underviser på en række kunstneriske/kreative skoler i København – bl.a. The Royal Danish Music Conservatory,, Scandinavian Academy of Fashion Design, The Danish Performing Arts School, The Film and Theater School.In addition, in the company WILDTOPIA IVS she does a number of workshops internationally click here to see more about workshops.
Collaboration partners for workshops and lectures:
BogForum | CPH STAGE |Dansehallerne – Projektcentret | Den Danske Scenekunstskole | Den Danske Scenekunstskole – Efteruddannelsen | Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium | Internationale Tanzmesse (Sitesweden) | Projektpionererne | Københavns Universitet – Institut for Kulturvidenskab | Metropolis Laboratory | KraftWerket | Netværket Zonta | Netværket KarmaKvinder | Scandinavian Academy of Fashion Design | SubURBAN Dancefestival | Scenekunstens Kommunikation | UDVIKLINGSPLATFORMEN for Scenekunst m.fl.