Faciliteret Samtale om Kreative Processer

“Reflection is one of the most underrated methods for successful work and collaboration.”

Karen Toftegaard – MA in modern culture from University of Copenhagen and Humboldt Universität, Berlin | Cultural entrepreneur | Published Author 

Anbefaling af “Team Faciliteret Samtale om Kreative Processer”:

“We came with a desire to become better at making our own public relations, and discovered in our conversation with Karen Toftegaard, that it starts with becoming clearer on our own narrative as an artistic collaborative. Also, in our dialogue with each other. Karen was very accurate in her questioning. She illuminated our artistic practice and identity from angles, which we hadn’t discovered ourselves. It made us talk to each other in a new way. In doing so, we got deeper into our artistic nerve and community. Karen saw the project through with a thorough and precise summation that contained several useful to-do bullets.”

The artist collective Salon New Love

“We had a really great workshop. It was really rewarding for us – both as a team and individually. I think it will benefit our project and collaboration both in the short and long term.”

Simone Wierød, choreographer

Individuel Faciliteret Samtale om Kreative Processer – typisk til projektledere (både formelle og uformelle)

75 minutters rådgivning/mentoring – faciliteret enten live eller online på den behagelige onlinemødeplatform ZOOM. Pris 1.100 kr. plus moms. [du møder op eller får tilsendt et link, du bare skal klikke på og så er vi i gang]

5 refleksionssamtaler inden for max. 6 måneder – faciliteret live eller online. Pris 4.400 kr. plus moms (= 1 refleksionssamtale gratis).

Karen Toftegaard faciliterer en Samtale om Kreative Processer, hvor der er fokus på en eller flere udfordringer i dit arbejde som an artist, creative entrepreneur, producer, communication manager or similar, in the cultural industries. It’s a safe, confidential space, where we’ll also focus on strengthening your personal impact in your work. After every conversation we’ll have a short-written summary of what we’ve discussed.

Team Faciliteret Samtale om Kreative Processer

3 timers faciliteret refleksionssamtale/workshop for en gruppe, der samarbejder kan være en frugtbar begyndelse. Det er især relevant for mindre grupper (3-7), der arbejder sammen om ét projekt eller gør det kontinuerligt over en længere periode.

Vi faciliterer nu denne “Team Samtale om Kreative Processer” både live og online – på den behagelige og meget overskuelige online mødeplatform ZOOM.

There are two different models – which you can choose according to your needs and temper:

Reflective counselling – facilitering af en 3 timers proces, der afklarer hvilke fortællinger, der giver bedst mening at fortælle om jeres arbejde (her står I selv for at tage noter eller optage sessionen): Online versionen koster 3.900 dkk plus. moms

Reflective counselling + written summary (her samler vi noter og laver et referat + opsamlende skriftlig PR-rådgivning, som vi sender i løbet af 2 arbejdsdage efter sessionen): Online version 4.500 dkk plus. moms

What is reflective counselling/ a reflection conversation?

We help creative organizations and personalities update their self-understanding of what role you play or can play in the community you are a part of. It is possible to book a reflection conversation with Karen Toftegaard at any time. We recommend the reflection conversation to people who need to see different perspectives on a case. The reflection conversation is built on reflecting, seeing a case from different perspectives and through systemic thinking to understand the system, the pattern, the context one is part of - inspired by the Chilean biologist Humberto Maturana.

Creative organizations and personalities use the reflection conversation to reflect on different things. It could be:

  • How do we communicate this project so that donors, buyers, ambassadors and supporters understand what a difference it can make?
  • The sustainability of an entrepreneurial process - not only in relation to the UN's global goals, but also to sustainable creative working conditions for the people running the project.
  • The development of an artistic/creative project - in a communication perspective or with a perspective from an experienced festival and cultural entrepreneur.
  • In the beginning of a creative collaboration, where you need to get to know each other, understand each other's perspectives on the project by listening, deciding which way it makes the best sense for this group to join that collaboration.
  • If you as partners need to get new perspectives into play – and in a facilitated conversation discuss, for instance how to communicate a project, which direction to go to prioritize a financial profit or a particular ideological angle, or how to collaborate in the creative process and so on.
  • An architectural firm that wants to know exactly what makes their work particularly valuable. What is it that their signature does to a project?

Karen Toftegaard owns several companies and has initiated and developed a number of cultural projects and festivals. She works as a manager, communication consultant, process facilitator, (international) producer and is also (co)author of the book BRUG DIN KREATIVITET(USE YOUR CREATIVITY). She continuously educates herself in facilitation, counselling and management. Among other things she is educated as a shadow facilitator and a democracy consultant.

Click here to see what partners are saying about Karen's counselling and facilitation.

We have consulting experience within:

  • Strategy for digital storytelling and how to create interesting content, which produce real value in a busy everyday life.
  • Developing an email marketing strategy and a plan for how you can create newsletters that sell more (and more).
  • Brand strengthening and storytelling/storydoing for several leading cultural personalities.
  • Brand strengthening and storytelling/storydoing for a variety of creative traders.
  • Concept development with a focus on strengthening communication in a cultural project or campaign.
  • Sustainable public relations & marketing strategy for artists and artist collectives (i.e. strategies that work - even in the long run).

On the basis of 18 years of experience from the professional cultural environment - with 10 years of work in cultural institutions (both municipal and state) and in the start-up or development of 4 festivals and as a cultural serial entrepreneur I have several times seen and felt, how the reflection can make a difference for the quality of the work we do. Every project and every effort you make is made stronger by your self-reflection - and reflection with your partners: “What is the most important thing about this project? What makes it relevant now - and for whom? How do I see my own role in this project? What do the others see that I can contribute? - and even more.

Karen Toftegaard

Write to us at mail@karentoftegaard.dkand we will make an appointment.

We also carry out clarification- and idea development processes with teams in the same field.

Watch workshops here.

We look forward to meeting you (and your team).
